Sunday, 30 March 2014

Don't Respond to Drama and Drama Won't Come Back Around.

Posted By Marvel Adeyemi

Every once in a while we all encounter some level of drama (trouble) that we caused by ourselves or through someone else. That's alright, because, it goes to show that we are humans.
But sometimes,  when we encouter drama too frequently, it probably means that we need the skill of recognizing drama when we see one.

I stumbled on this article that elevated my perspective on the "mystery" around drama. So I thought it might interest you too. Enjoy!

Drama loves more Drama. Pain loves more pain. Negativity loves more negativity.

It is possible not respond to drama. If drama comes into contact with neutrality, it fizzles.

How is it possible to not respond to drama? the first is to recognise drama when it is  in front of you. It is also critical to recognize if you are bringing the drama.

Here are three ways to recognize signs of drama:

  1. You feel Passion

Passion can be a wonderful experience. It can also fuel dysfunctionl behaviour and can cause you to react without thinking.

Signs that you are feeling passion include feeling a rush of energy pass through your body, a red face, an increased heart rate, butterflies in your stomach, flared nostrils, or shaky hands.

Passion can also show up as emotionally charged thoughts and judgements. these include strong feelings of right or wrong, disbelief, blame, sadness, or a vehement desire for justice.

2. The words spoken and behavior demonstarated don't match

If someone is saying one thing and doing another, this is a sign of drama. Do not be fooled. What you see is exactly what it is.

Be the witness of your experience and observe this discrepancy. If someone is telling you they do not mean to be rude, but procedd to offer a berating or condescending comment, trouble is in front of you.

3. It feels urgent

Very few things in life are really urgent. Urgent qualifies as escaping from a burning building or swerving to miss an on coming vehicle.

Many times drama presents it self in the form of pressure that feels urgent. A false sense of urgency can be imprinted on you from another person's frenzy of charged emotions. Urgency can also emerge from feelings that you are responsible for someone else's situation.

if something is not life threatening and you are told it needs to be done right now and you feel a sense of compression or fear, chances are drama is in front of you.

Once you practice recognizing drama, you are better equiped to not reapond to it which in turn, allows drama to dissolve and stop in its tracks.

Curled from Angela Savitri.

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