Monday, 8 May 2023

Breaking the cycle of High- functioning burn-out- Tips for Recovery.

By Marvel C. Adeyemi

Do you feel like you're constantly pushing yourself to the limit without taking time to recharge and reflect? You're not alone.

As someone who has experienced the negative effects of high functioning, I understand how easy it is to get caught up in the pursuit of success. We live in a society that has defined success in a very generalist way, and as a person of colour, I know how symbols of status and materialism can be portrayed as being symbols of success.

But here's the truth: success doesn't have to mean burnout, insomnia, and depression. Your mental health is just as important as your career and neglecting it can lead to serious consequences. Unfortunately, mental health is often neglected, and we only pay attention to it when there's a complete breakdown and burnout.

 If you're experiencing depression, insomnia, severe migraines, or addiction, it's important to recognize that these are red flags that something is not going right. It's time to take a step back and ask yourself what's really driving you.

I know it's hard to take a break when you feel like you're on a roll, but taking time off is necessary. Book yourself into a hotel or resort somewhere lovely and take two, three days off work. Use those sick days at work they are part of your employment contract. You owe it to yourself to recharge and reflect.

 Remember, success isn't just about money and status. It's about living an enriched life that is whole. Take the time to cultivate deep relationships that go beyond surface level. Your mental health and well-being are just as important as your career. So, take a pause, and ask yourself what is driving me? Now, let's dive deeper into why we struggle with high performance and overachieving. 

For many of us, it's a cultural issue. We're taught from a young age that success is defined by a certain set of criteria, and that we need to constantly strive to achieve it. But the truth is, success is subjective and means different things to different people.

As a culturally diverse audience, we need to recognize that our cultural backgrounds can play a big role in how we view success. We may have different expectations and values than those around us, and that's okay. It's important to understand what success means to us individually and work towards achieving that, rather than trying to fit into a mould that doesn't feel authentic.

So, how can we redefine success for ourselves? It starts with taking time to reflect on our values and priorities. What is truly important to us? Is it our career? Our relationships? Our personal growth? Once we identify what matters most, we can start working towards those goals and redefining what success means to us.

It's also important to surround ourselves with a support system that understands and respects our values and priorities. This could be family, friends, or even a mentor or coach. Having people who can offer guidance and support can help us stay true to our goals and avoid burnout.

In conclusion, high performance and overachieving can be a double-edged sword. While it can lead to success and achievement, it can also lead to burnout and mental health issues. It's important to take time to recharge and reflect, and to redefine success on our own terms. Remember, success isn't just about money and status. It's about living an enriched life that is whole.

 If this post resonates with you and you'll like to have a one-on-one conversation, feel free to book a session at  Let's work together to help you achieve your mental health goals!



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